学术咨询 & 学生支持

我们总是掌握着学生身体的脉搏. 我们听我们的学生说什么. 在回应, we have made changes to our daily class schedule and shifted and augmented support services to meet the needs of our students. We recognize the importance of teaching young adults intangible skills such as time-management, 如何自我倡导, 以及何时向老师或其他人寻求帮助.


我们很高兴地说,我们不像其他人. 以下是让我们脱颖而出的原因:

  • We have intentionally made our faculty more accessible to our students simply by the grouping and placement of their offices on campus.
  • 学生 have scheduled 个人学习时间(ILT) up to four times a week. 在此期间, 学生可以寻求教师的帮助, 完成作业, 或者做小组项目.
  • 不管我们多大年纪,我们都需要“休息”时间. 上学期间的家庭和家庭会议是一个很好的休息(休息)。. 在这些学生主导的会议中, 他们培养领导能力, 发展和加强友谊, 刷新他们的思维.

MH - MA时间表

We have structured the daily class schedule to reflect what students can expect in college. 每天都不一样,但一周又一周都是一样的. 每堂课的时长从85分钟、55分钟到25分钟不等. 

自实施MH - MA时间表以来, 我们看到课堂参与度提高了, 有所准备的学生, 以及更多的学生参与课外活动.


一个结构化的环境是培养积极习惯的关键组成部分. We have built in the following student support sessions into the daily life of our students:

We have built time into the class schedule during which students report to a designated study space and work individually or in groups. 

ILT changes to 强制性学习时间(MLT) for students with an academic grade below 70%. Teachers may impose a higher grade requirement (such as 75% or 80%) depending on what the teacher deems appropriate for the class and a particular student. 

We require MLT students to meet with the teacher until their academic grade is reestablished and/or accountability and responsibility are reestablished. 一旦学生恢复到满意的水平,他们就可以返回ILT. 

如果教师和/或我们的学术团队认为学生需要更多的支持, 然后将MLT过渡到结构化学习时间(SLT). SLT students report to a specific location and follow a homework checklist and/or receive tutoring, 这取决于他们需要什么. A specific SLT teacher works with the student individually until the student’s academic grades and commitment to learning improves.


驾驭新环境, 准备毕业, 大学入学考试, 对于年轻人(或任何人)来说,适应一种新的文化似乎是一项艰巨的任务, 就此而言!). 我们开发了专门的课程来指导他们应对这些挑战.
